Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Online Etiquette

E-mail etiquette. What a jewel. We could all go for a read of "E-mail Etiquette" and "Rules of Etiquette". Nearly every one of these is common-sense, and at the same time they just need to be said.

A few examples from "E-mail Etiquette":

#1: "Be concise and to the point."
I'm a busy person, and I skim when I read; if there are several points in an e-mail besides the point, I may lose interest and never catch what the actual message is.

#3: "Use proper spelling and grammar."
When a message is sent in all seriousness with language such as "I h8 2 do this 2 u, but c/ya l8r..." I cringe, I cannot take that seriously. Spell words out. Spell words correctly.

#4: "Make it personal."
My name is not "Hey!" or "Whom It May Concern". My name is Kirk. I like my name, so call me by it, show me you can be personal.

#11: "Don’t leave out the message thread."
This helps keep us all organized.

#19: "Do not forward chain letters."
I laugh it needed to be said. However, I receive these all the time from people who know better. People, you know better, stop it.

#27: "Avoid long sentences."
I like it.

Those are a few of my favorite gems, now go check it out.

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