Sunday, November 22, 2009

PR ob 11

The Fall semester of my third year at USU is coming to a close. And this semester I will be able to say that I have done so much more than any previuos semester. Yes, the previuos semesters I was an engineering student, so I'm not discrediting engineering - but with PR I feel like I'm actually going places and doing things.

So as this semester comes to a close, I'd like to think back to a few of the things that I've been a part of.
  • Research for the PR department regarding the future of PR at USU

  • Organization of the service committee, and service week including the service fair, as a board member

  • Helped organize the Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff's visit to USU.

  • Created a PR crisis management plan for the Sports Academy & Racquet Club.

Those were just a few of the main bits off the top of my head. Other news includes I found a new job, found new housing, worked for ESPN during their USU visit. And so much more. Oh, let's not forget, I created a blog.

This PR field keeps me busy in the things that I love!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

PR ob 10: Yesss!!!

I heard the news just the other day, so I went to the closest grocer, Lee's Marketplace, searched and I found nothing. So I stopped the store manager mid-conversation with another employee, and said "Do you know if Tim Tams are here?" He replied, "Well, the Pepperidge Farm guy was having trouble getting them to us, let me see if they're on the shelf yet." After a short walk we found them and he said "Oh, they must have just gotten here."

My love for Tim Tams has been rekindled. I tell my friends, from a 1 to 5 on the scale of goodness, 5 being the best thing you've ever had - this is a 5. Now I'm writing Pepperidge Farm a thank you letter, making it my facebook status, and

Pepperidge Farm has done what every company wants to have done, making the customer the advertiser. I am all of my friends most credible source, and so are your friends your most credible source. This is the hardest thing to do as a company, and Pepperidge Farm achieved it only by virtue of providing an amazing product.

And to their credit, they've done an outstanding PR job. They have America's top chef endorsing the product. And I hate to bring it up, but they are only selling it between October to March. This is smart. Why? Because come every October I will make my initial purchases, hold a Tim Tam slam party, then come March I will stock up for the summer.
PR Job
Press Release

Friday, November 20, 2009

PS Fun

Can't get enough of photoshop today. It was a simple process, just time consuming. I created four different layers, one for the sky, the ground, the car, and myself. After doing that, I played with the color balance on each one, and we have a tripppy new world.

Spooky Haunted Pumpkin Castle

Another fun quick job, in basically 2 steps.
1: Add both images, making sure the pumpkin layer is on top.
2: Choose the blending options, and find one that works best for you. I chose the linear dodge option.

Pop Can

This was a fun quick photoshop job.
1: Duplicate layer
2: Color overlay, play around with which overalay setting you like the most.
3: Delete the top of the lid.

There were 4 easy steps to change this picture.
1: Color balance - I removed most of the yellow.
2: I duplicated the layer, and cut myself out of the duplicated layer.
3: I then increased the darkness and contrast to make myself less washed out.
4: Dodged the dark areas and burned the bright areas to give it less of the flash effect, but only so much could be done.

This was me being the first person to sit in the governors chair at the capitol. Jon Huntsman thought he was first... nope!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

PR ob 9: Cherryholmes

Yesterday Cherryholmes, a bluegrass group came into town. Bluegrass, like any other form of music, is influenced from other music and art forms making it constantly evolve. Cherryholmes considers their music "Bluegrass on steroids."

I went to the concert with a PR and Marketing mentality. How was this promoted: before, during and after? I found out from it because of USU, and unless I was lucky enough to be taking USU 1330, Creative Arts, I would have never found out about Cherryholmes, or ever had an appreciation for the music. During the show they invited us to their web-site. Other than that, there is a PR laps. I feel like I should have known more! Infact, I've been to several performances in Cache Valley that people just don't know about.

Are these publishes in the papers? Did you know they have been nominated for 4 grammys? There isn't a follow-up article today. What about the social media? There was no event invitation on facebook. I'm not on myspace, and don't have a twitter (yet?).

But on a not pr note. It was fun! The oldest child in the band is named Cia, I asked her to marry me, she said. Her parents were skeptical of my financial state, but Cia assured them she is independantly wealthy. Fun times at Ellen Eccles! I really want to actually see them again and take her out. Sounds weird? But hey, she was cute and talented. Who hasn't had a celebrity crush?